Smart Villages

Smart Village - Egypt's First Business Park

The climate smart villages approach

Smart Villages in India

Smart Villages: Transport Initiative


Rotary Pakistan's Smart Villages are restoring hope and stability!

Gwakwani - Limpopo's first smart village

Transforming Lives in Rural Niger: ITU’s Smart Villages Initiative

We've officially started the Smart Village project!

How 'climate-smart' villages could change the way people farm

African “Smart Villages”: Using Wi-Fi technology to help people in rural Africa get online #shorts

Smart Village - Drone

Village model for school project #craft #schoolassignment #schoolproject

Diwali Celebration in Rotary Pakistan Smart Villages: A Festival of Unity and Progress

Punsari - India's Smart Village

Animation of a Smart Village Project in India - Rural Areas | India

#32: Eco-friendly flying cars, African “Smart Villages”

Smart Village

My Smart Village. Lessons from the Competition for Smart Villages in Poland

What are Smart Villages and Rural Towns?

Paul Soto, the 'Smart Villages' strategy

This village has more modern facilities than many cities. #OMGIndia S03E07 Story 2